PrintFigurinett has been growing into an avenue of telling the stories of the great men and women who are ambitious enough to develop the hobbies they love into something Trinidad and Tobago can share in. From comics, to gaming, to anime, movies and cosplay the growth from featuring “action figure collecting” to now “collector stories collecting” was very much inevitable. People who like comics like action figures, anime loves love movies and cosplayers love games. ( most lol)

This post aims to collaborate with a fellow class blogger BAGO2DAYNEWS whose blog is about enhancing one’s writing ability and feature the story of the MARVEL MASTER to which my past article has sparked his interest.

BAGO2DAYNEWS takes the interview done with Mr. Marvel Masters and puts his creative writing spin to create the Story of Marvel Masters. For anyone unfamiliar, Marvel Masters is the founder of the Action Figure Collectors of Trinidad & Tobago Community And has brought many hidden local collectors together. Figurinett would not even exist without the group Marvel Masters has created.

Without further adieu I present to you

“The Story of MARVEL MASTERS” 

The Master of his Universe

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